
Just like every other journal I've ever, ever encountered, I seem to make a habit of writing in it, and then never cracking open the pages again.

But maybe that's good, because some people think guys who journal are gay. Last time I checked, I'm not gay.

Just for the record.

Anyway. I've been on ficlets (371 published -- if you have no idea what I'm talking about, go to ficlets.com now. Do it. Just...do), and started plenty of new series: one where a guy has a girlfriend who is actually part of a criminal organization called La Pretni. And her mother's, like, the leader of it. And the guy's father is a high-profile official in Interpol. See the conflict? Starts here.

Also in a series with Never Explain on the same site -- an alternate dimension-y sorta thing where Bart writes from Max's (the main character who can control time and physics) point of view, and I from Tyler's (Max's friend who may or may not have the same powers). It seems to me sorta like a mix between The Matrix and The Giver. Starts here.

And since I haven't posted since...oh, whenever, I have a condensed flurry of news for anyone who cares (AKA readers, AKA, nobody): got an iMac 20" desktop for Christmas, with Photoshop, InDesign, Flash, and more -- all CS3. Yes, I'm spoiled.

My class has started a literary magazine for the school -- yeah, not too exciting, but seems at least a little interesting. I'm co-editor (one of the two editor-in-chiefs).

Went on my church's Winter Retreat -- absolutely one of the best things I've ever done for my spiritual life. Say what you want about it, you have a right to it. I mean, don't leave nasty, cursing comments. But whatever. Be cool.

Got some YouTube videos up. No, I'm not going to give you the link.

Yes, I know you want them. (I'm just humoring myself here, let me for a few more minutes).

...All right, that's enough.

And definitely enough news for now. Blegh. Carpal tunnel.